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According to the validating affiliation agreements, the contracted abroad valdating university (ies) shall be the governing body of the  granting and conferring such academic degrees and honors as permitted and academic transcrips presented by the Go University Executive Officer.

The Group Dean of  Studies shall oversee the academic operations and standards of all centers, schools and university campuses in laisson with departments and faculties.


The Group Dean shall report to the Executive Officer and the National Executive Board.



The president shall be the chief executive and academic officer of the university, and shall generally control and supervise its business affairs and academic programs. The president, treasurer, and other officers and/or agents, shall be empowered to execute on behalf of the university  and all documents in furtherance of the  university business transactions and affairs under the general direction of the board and the president.


Additional administrative officers of the University may be appointed by the president with such powers and duties as may be required by the business of the University.


The power of suspension, expulsion, or dismissal of students and University employees, subject to policy regulations approved from time to time by the board, is vested in the executive officer/president.




The deans, and other persons designated by the President/PROVOST (for example, a Chief Financial Officer) are the officers of the University under the president, and are appointed by the president as specified. They shall have titles descriptive of their areas of responsibility. Within each specified area, the officer represents the president in all matters. The officer shall:


1. Provide leadership to achieve the highest possible level of excellence for the area and for the University;


2. Serve as representative and spokesperson for the area;


3. Supervise the execution of University policies within the area;


4. Formulate and execute area policies;


5. Be responsible within the area for personnel matters, assignment and use of space, facilities, equipment, and supplies;


6. Prepare and submit to the president/Provost, budget proposals for the area and provide supervision for funds allocated to the area;


7.Be responsible for all activities assigned to the area and serve as the president's representative within the area.




The Dean is responsible for the proper and effective administration of all departments through the appointed department heads. It is the Group Dean´s responsibility to provide the leadership to achieve the highest possible level of excellence in teaching, research, and other professional activities. Shall serve as representative and spokesperson for all department, and shall seek the advice and counsel of departmental colleagues and the heads of departments   as appropriate. Specifically, the chair/Group Dean shall:


1. Supervise the execution of school and University policies within the department;


2. Formulate and execute departmental policies and procedures;


3. Assume the initiative in the recruitment of new faculty members of the highest possible quality;


4. Establish an intellectual climate and working conditions that will encourage the professional development of members of the department;


5. Make recommendations to the Executive officer/Provost  for new appointments, reappointments, salary changes, termination, tenure, leaves of absence, and promotions;


6. Prepare the budget proposal for the department and supervise expenditure of the funds allocated to the department;


7. Arrange teaching assignments and organize the teaching program to make the most efficient use of the faculty;


8. Evaluate the educational activities of the department, formulate plans for its future development, and transmit these plans to the appropriate office/Executive Board/Executive Officer.


9. Assist officers of the administration in interpreting programs, plans, and needs of the department to appropriate outside agencies;


10. Direct an effective advisory program for all students registered as majors in the department;


11. Provide the necessary departmental cooperation in interdisciplinary, interschool, and University-wide activities;


12. Supervise the use and assignment of departmental space, facilities, equipment, and supplies;


13. Recommend appointments and supervise the work of non-academic staff of the department;


14. Notify  whenever members of departmental faculty are unable to conduct classes because of illness or absence from the village;


15. Review periodically with the departmental faculty those University regulations that bear directly on their teaching and advising functions, with particular emphasis on academic integrity.



Appointment and Tenure of Department Heads


1. Appointment. All appointments will be made by the Provost of the University. The Group Dean shall initiate recommendations for the appointment of department chairs after careful screening of candidates in accordance with equal employment opportunity and affirmative action policies and procedures and consultation with the departmental faculty and other department heads.

Proirity shall be given to Go University management consultants who are qualified for such positions.


2. Term of Office. Department chairs shall be appointed for three-year terms and are eligible for reappointment by the Provost. Before such reappointments, reviews and evaluations of their performance will be obtained from the departmental faculty and from appropriate administrative officers and faculty members.


If an administrative change seems necessary during the chair's term, the head may request that his or her case be referred to a representative faculty review committee/National Executive board  before final action is taken. Such a committee's findings will be reported in writing to the president for use in arriving at a decision.


3. Period of Duty. The department chair will be appointed on the basis of the academic year (nine months) with the understanding that additional necessary business for the department will be conducted during the holiday months. However, since holidays responsibilities are expected to be minimal, department chairs are permitted to undertake other assignments with or without additional remuneration within established University policies. The department chair is responsible at all times for the performance of departmental duties unless other arrangements are made in writing with the appropriate dean/Group Dean.





Administrative offices shall be open from Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The normal lunch hour is on hour.


Go University Policies Governing Organized Activity Units


A. Preamble


Go University evolves as an institution, developing in new and innovative directions while maintaining strength in traditional areas of endeavor centers of activity that focus attention on specialized areas will develop. By their very nature, such activity centers transcend existing and more traditional modes of organizing activity and when these activity centers have an academic component, generally they appear interdisciplinary when compared to existing administrative units. Occasionally, such an activity or interest focus may be relatively short-lived. Often, however, the activity focus reflects the evolution of knowledge and represents a newly emerging pathway for scholarly activity, one that the institution seeks to foster and encourage. When those involved in such foci of activity desire University recognition and support for their efforts, the procedures articulated in this document provide mechanisms for the establishment and management of organized activity units.


B. Scope of this Policy


The procedures and policies found in this section are applicable to those entities desiring formal University recognition in support of cross-departmental intellectual activities. These entities are composed primarily of faculty, who come from multiple departments, divisions, programs, and/or schools, for the purpose of pursuing interdisciplinary research, outreach, and/or educational activities. While there is no desire to restrict the modes of interaction that faculty find productive, it is important that all groups seeking University recognition of and support for their scholarly activities do so in the context of a well defined process. Because the nature of the activities addressed by this policy do not coincide with existing or more traditional administrative structures or modes of organization, this policy addresses the special concern that appropriate acknowledgement and recognition be given to individual and collaborative efforts put forth on behalf of the interdisciplinary unit.


C. Nature of Organized Units




There are two levels of organization at which units of the type included under these policies can be formed: school and university. In order to provide increased uniformity in defining these units, the following nomenclature is proposed:




A center is a multiple purpose unit that can be organized at either the university or school level that may support research, education, outreach, or other activities considered appropriate to the needs

and interests of the institution. A center would have the leadership of a director, may operate with the assistance of supporting staff, and would be expected to benefit from the participation of faculty and student affiliates or “members.” If organized at the school level, then the center director would report on the center’s activities to the Group Dean of  Go University. If the center were sufficiently multidisciplinary to be formed at the University level, then the center director would report on the center’s activities to a university administrator appropriate to the function of the center. The director of a center would hold tenure within an academic department and depending on the mission of the center, as described in the founding proposal; the director’s workload may be shared between the center and the department.  Note that this definition of Center does not preclude other uses of the term “center,” for example, physical locations, student support activities, or activities that fall within Go University’s normal organizational structure.




An institute is a university-wide unit that is organized for multiple purposes including research, education, and outreach, or other activities considered appropriate to the needs and interests of the institution but that extend beyond or cross between current departmental or school boundaries. An institute may have centers, as defined in the forgoing paragraph, administratively assigned to it when appropriate.


An institute would have the leadership of a director who reports to the Executive Officer (e.g., Provost), would operate with the assistance of supporting staff, and could benefit from the participation of faculty and student affiliates or “members”.

The institute’s director normally would hold tenure within an academic department. Nevertheless, the responsibilities of the director link directly to the mission of the institute. Consequently, specific circumstances may require the director’s tenure to reside within the institute, and in that case, the tenure of the director may be assigned to the institute by action of the University Executive Officer or the executive Officer´s designee.


The evolution of the institute, similarly, may lead to circumstances whereby the University would benefit from the formal establishment of degree programs within the institute that are consistent with the interdisciplinary mission of the unit. For the University to ensure the degree programs in such an institute receive academic support adequate to achieve and maintain institutional standards, the University also may require the institute to maintain a core faculty. Because institute faculty provide disciplinary expertise which may not coincide with that of existing academic departments, the tenure of institute faculty may reside within the institute. The allocation of tenured or tenurable faculty members to the institute requires concurrent approval by the institute director, the Provost, and the University Validators.


D. Formation of Recognized Units


For University recognition and support for a center or institute as defined above needs a prepared  proposal that contains the following:


  1. a statement of need that specifies the particular role of the proposed unit within the University,

  2. a description of the manner in which this need will be effectively met by the proposed unit in a way that cannot be achieved by existing units,

  3. identification of the unique value of the activity to the University,

  4. outcomes the unit intends to produce,

  5. specification of an inception date for the unit that would permit its review and potential approval to be coordinated with the annual budget preparation process,

  6. identification of the personnel, research, and/or educational programs that would be initially included within and supported by the unit and a projection of their involvement over the initial five years of the unit’s operation,

  7. a budget, including anticipated sources and amounts of income generated, estimated student credit hours generated, proposed and existing major programs of study to be supported by the unit, and estimated overhead costs,

  8. a realistic estimate of space and equipment needs and a description of potential mechanisms for providing the identified infrastructure,

  9. a description of the governance structure of the unit (e.g. steering committee, external advisory committees, and mechanisms for transmission of appropriate input to the unit’s administration).

  10. a description of the proposed administrative and reporting structure for the unit (including terms of appointment and criteria for appointment of principal administrators of the unit), and

  11. a proposed periodic review cycle (typically five years),


This proposal should be submitted to the President/Executive Officer, or the President’s designee, for review by the Provost, the Deans, and any other personnel deemed appropriate by the Provost.  Review of the proposal should be deliberate and as expeditious as possible. Upon completion of the review, the Provost or the Provost’s designee will prepare a recommendation concerning the approval of the application for recognition and support. This recommendation may address any and all aspects of the proposed unit’s operations. The decision concerning approval of the proposed unit rests with the Provost.


If the application for recognition and support is approved, the modes and levels of institutional support involved as well as timelines within which that support are to be provided will be clearly identified in the documents whereby the President grants recognition.


F. Termination of Recognized Units


Termination of recognized centers or institutes may occur for a number of reasons. These include, but are not limited to:

  • incorporation of the unit into the permanent administrative structure of the University

  • cessation of the underlying programs for which the unit provides primary support

  • major change in strategic direction by the University that reduces the utility of the unit to the overall mission of the University

  • failure of the unit to effectively meet the objectives that have been defined for the unit.

Decisions concerning termination of recognized units will be made by the Provost after consultation with the Deans.



G. Personnel Evaluations


Center/Institute Administrator


The individual appointed to lead the unit will be evaluated annually by the administrator to whom the unit reports. This evaluation will consider the individual’s performance as administrator of the unit. A special circumstance arises in the case of an active faculty member who directs a unit but who also has obligations by contract to a department for teaching, research, and/or service. In such instances, the administrator to whom the unit reports will provide relevant parts of this review to the department chair who evaluates the individual as a faculty member. Similarly, the department chair

will provide relevant parts of her/his review of the unit director to the administrator to whom the unit reports so that the overall performance of the person in support of the mission of the University can be effectively evaluated.


Center/Institute Personnel


The Director of an Institute serves in the same role as a department chair for faculty appointed to the institute in terms of providing effective mentoring, performing annual evaluations, and instituting reviews for tenure and promotion. The review of hiring, tenure, and promotion of faculty appointed to an institute would occur through a process that would be part of the governance of the unit as defined by the initial proposal to form the organized unit.


Faculty affiliates of centers and institutes are evaluated regularly by the unit director:

  • annually for inclusion in faculty performance evaluations, which are under the purview of the affiliates’ department administrator, and

  • in conjunction with reviews conducted in support of special personnel actions, such as dossiers compiled for honors, awards, tenure and promotion.

Department administrators shall attach importance to and respect the interdisciplinary scholarship and service that their faculty contribute to the advancement of centers or institutes with whom they affiliate.


Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of the activities of centers and institutes, a key responsibility of a center or institute director is to ensure that untenured faculty affiliates of centers or institutes receive proper mentoring within the scope of the unit activity. This responsibility arises from the value of the investment of time by faculty in furthering center/institute activities and the interdisciplinary character of those activities.


Paralleling this responsibility of directors for mentoring, however, a similar responsibility exists on the part of department administrators to ensure untenured faculty who affiliate with centers or institutes receive proper mentoring within the scope of interest of the department. Department administrators also must recognize that senior faculty members who mentor their untenured colleagues are performing an essential service.


Administrative assistants and clerical and technical support staff are evaluated by center and institute directors, as appropriate, according to normal procedures followed under guidance provided annually by the Director of Human Resources.






A. As an officer of a University-level Institute or Center, the Director is responsible for the proper and effective administration of the unit. It is the Director's responsibility to provide the leadership to achieve the highest possible level of excellence in achieving the objectives of the organized unit and its related activities. The Director shall serve as representative and spokesperson for the Institute or Center, and shall seek the advice and counsel of Institute/Center colleagues and other administrators as appropriate. Specifically, the Director shall:


  1. Provide the leadership required to achieve the objectives of the Institute/Center as outlined in its organizational plan.

  2. Provide leadership and facilitate collaboration in interdisciplinary, interschool, and University-wide activities;

  3. Supervise the execution of University policies within the Institute/Center;

  4. Formulate and execute Institute/Center policies and procedures;

  5. Establish an intellectual climate and working conditions that will encourage the professional development of affiliates or members of the Institute/Center;

  6. Prepare the budget proposal for the Institute/Center and supervise expenditure of the funds allocated thereunto;

  7. Assist officers of the administration in interpreting programs, plans, and needs of the Institute/Center to appropriate outside agencies;

  8. Supervise the use and assignment of Institute/Center space, facilities, equipment, and supplies;

  9. Participate in the annual performance evaluation of faculty who affiliate with the Institute/Center;

  10. Recommend appointments and supervise the work of non-academic staff of the unit;


B. In addition, Institute Directors shall:


  1. Assume the initiative in the recruitment of new faculty members who will be appointed to the institute, ensuring they will have the highest possible quality and potential to contribute to the evolution and implementation of the strategic vision of the institution;

  2. Make recommendations to the Provost for new appointments, reappointments, salary changes, termination, tenure, leaves of absence, and promotions for faculty appointed to the institute;

  3. Arrange teaching assignments and organize the teaching program for faculty appointed to the institute to make the most efficient use of the faculty;

  4. Evaluate the educational activities of the Institute, formulate plans for its future development, and transmit these plans to the Provost;


  1. Direct an effective advisory program for all students registered as majors in the Institute;

  2. Review periodically with the Institute faculty those University regulations that bear directly on their teaching and advising functions, with particular emphasis on academic integrity.


Appointment and Tenure of Directors

1. Appointment. Directors of Institutes/Centers serve at the pleasure of the President. Accordingly, all appointments will be made by the President of the University or her/his designee, which may be Provost or Dean, depending on the nature the activity. The Provost or her/his designee shall initiate recommendations for the appointment of Directors after careful screening of candidates in accordance with equal employment opportunity and affirmative action policies and procedures and consultation with the Institute/Center faculty and other appropriate administrators and faculty. As a minimum, the consulting process shall provide all interested individuals adequate opportunity to submit confidential personal comments to the Provost.

2. Term of Office. The Director holds a tenure-track position within an academic department or equivalent academic unit and shall be appointed for a term as Director for a period not to exceed five-years. The Director is eligible for reappointmentt by the Provos. Before such reappointment, reviews and evaluations of the Director’s performance will be obtained from the unit faculty and from other appropriate administrative officers and faculty members.

3. Period of Duty. The Director will be appointed on the basis of a modified calendar year (ten months) since research, interdisciplinary activities and Institute educational activities extend beyond the periods in which classes are held. The Director is responsible at all times for the performance of directorial duties unless other arrangements are made in writing with the Provost.


Director Of Organized Activity Unit – Additional Operational/Management Guidance

1. The Director's appointments – Institute/center and, when appropriate, departmental appointments - will be stated in the form of objectives and goals for the respective units (institute/center and department) for the coming year, based on the mutual agreement of the Director and Provost or Dean and, possibly, Department Chair, as appropriate;

2. The Director’s annual contract letter, which comes from the Provost or Dean, as appropriate, should explicitly state the mutually agreed objectives and goals for the respective units (center and department when applicable) for the coming year;

3. The Director's full salary line goes to the Provost or Dean, as appropriate, for the duration of the Director's service; it returns to the Department upon conclusion of the directorship;

4. A provision for appropriate buy-out by the Provost and/or Dean will be included in instances where Directorship duties of the individual result in a loss of effort to the home department;

5. The Provost or Dean and, possibly, Department Chair, as appropriate by contract, provide input to the Director's annual performance evaluation;

6. The Department Chair provides her/his recommendation, when appropriate, to the Provost or Dean for inclusion in the Director’s annual performance review document. The review document which will be prepared by the Provost;

7. The Provost or Dean, as appropriate, develops the annual raise recommendation for the Director and takes into account the Department Chair’s recommendation when appropriate by contrac









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