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It is Our Job to Help You to achieve the best of your Higher Education levels & Employment

About Go University- Ghana

Why choose our courses

Our processes/Projects

Our courses standard



Whatever you're looking for,    we've got it.

We educate  you & help you into Employment/Entrepreneurship/Business Plus Venture capital.


WHO ARE WE?                                          WHAT DO WE OFFER NEW & DIFFERENTLY?        


                                                                                           YES WE CAN!!
Go University is a unique private project university that combines academic courses 

with entrepreneurship course & business projects to instill innovation and venture/enterprise endeavours in all her graduates. Students can choose their main course and we give in addition the 

entrepreneurship degree course free.  Meaning each student gets two(2) degree courses parallel at same charge. The aim of Go University is to get all her graduates into gainful employment through business programs/ planned group entrepreneurship projects. Go University  private  project support is from The Netherlands with technical & training support. 


With our program students choose their main course, we add the entrepreneurship course and a year after graduation

 we put graduates in business/entrepreneurship groups 50>=100 persons per group and together with Go university 

business/project management/support undertake the business. 


We provide an initial venture capital to each group of  range Ghc 500.000 - Ghc 5.000.000 or will be put in a larger venture group with larger capital, - 10s of million Ghc.


 (You get No personal liability to pay back venture capital). 


We build own venture capital funds with external technical support. Whilst undertaking this business venture, graduates have the right to work or seek own 

employment elsewhere if they so wish and or participate in venture at agreed times or periods. Graduates who may opt to work in venture business fulltime will receive normal salaries besides the profit ownership. Graduates will collectively own 40% of ventures & profits. University has partners who may invest more in ventures and graduates benefit from these increase investments as part owners..


We will sign a binding contract with students. Below are the  courses and fees and list of /projects including our special MIDWIFERY/Obstetrics nursing (course/Project). Specific courses listed below are outlined on enrollment form. Students choose their main course and also separately will choose an entrepreneurship project they wish to work in after graduation.  


(We plan projects in all REGIONS  * There are 15  Entrepreneurship Group graduates' Projects to choose from to be in after your studies):


 Projects are:                                                                                                            # Main academic Courses are given in the vertical list far below:

 1.Small group students' own planned businesses/projects 


2.Solar farm/power in megawatts  


3.Food Security/Farm/Processing   


4.Accounting/Banking programmed services  


 5.Low cost housing   




7.Early Childhood Nursery- regional


8.Exports/African goods marketing Globally & Local Group digital coded Marketing.




10.Software development/ICT business. 


11.Disability/Old Age welfare provision/management. 


12.Ghana Local invention/ industrialization ventures investments 


13. Literature, Authorship/Culture/Antigue/Art/ Genealogy. 


14. Astronomy


Note: We need 50  students per district of Ghana per project (1st applied 1st considered). We have provided this list of group projects & Courses on the enrollment form and students can make their choice  and the region they wish to undertake project after graduation. Students can study in any regional capital or Accra irrespective of the region they want to work in project in future..We teach by Online selfstudy + virtual live classroom lectures + live local auditorium lecturers in  all regions.We will provide online study centers at regions of enrollments with computers/free internet. So we ask for good patronage in  enrollments in regions/districts. We aim to compliment Ghana human/manpower development, Socio- economic activities with our prudent & efficient education & business projects to help increase higher education & curb graduates/youth unemployment. Go university educational/entrepreneurship project is in development for past 3 years with team in Ghana with 150  Professionals/Graduates/

PhD's in all regions of Ghana to manage project nationally. Photos of  section of  team below.  Enroll now!   


                                             Be our Student, Study, Graduate & Get it all!        


                                                                                       YES WE CAN!! 

 15. SPECIAL MIDWIFERY COURSE/PROJECT - ENROLL now.  midwifery project Africa-Ghana

 We need average 50 candidates from each district of Ghana   (1st applied 1st considered)

Go University has also a unique planned midwifery course/project  (addition to the 14 projects listed above) to train midwifes/obstetrics nursing to cover all districts of Ghana with our technical support in Ghana/Europe.. It is an ambitious project to enhance pregnancy, maternal, infant health and survival solutions especially in rural communities .We require +-50 candidates per ordinary district, 100 per municipal & 300 per metropolitan with guaranteed employment & project dividend benefits from our venture investment systems. We will build complete modern wellequipped midwifery practice centers for our graduates to work in.There will be a special venture investment in our project system attached to the midwifery to financially support midwifery project. Midwifes/Nurses will own 40% stake in the venture system as ltd liability. 


The midwifery practice itself will be a cooperative to serve almost free to all & high risk pregnancy groups in all regions/districts.

We accept average or high grade shs etc. What we look critically at are: 

Interest, Passion, Motivation and Diligence because midwifery is a vocation that demands patience, love & empathy. 

We will train  theoretic and practicals using most modern apparatus & methods in Ghana & from our technical supporters in Europe. 


-We will offer further training free to all graduates whilst practicing. 

-We will train our Midwifes in English together with all major Ghana Regional local Languages. (Akan, Ewe, Ga, Hausa, etc.etc.)

 We will train by selfstudy material/Lms online + Virtual classroom with Trainers from Europe/Ghana +  Classroom lessons/Practicals in Ghana 

-Live internship/Practical Training. 

-Enroll  at website with online forms and submit instantly online 

-Enrollment fee is Ghc 250. fees 1950 Ghc/semester You may pay fees weekly, monthly or semester as you can. 

       No huge amount deposits. 

Facilities planned for midwifery project at end of studies are: Equipped Practice Centers at regions/districts, 

Mobile Clinics,  Land & Air Ambulances.  Ambulances/Helicopter(s).


....................We-have All courses content modules (LMS) fully built online for students own selfstudies in addition to classroom lessons and practicals.. 

The mystudy page will contain the full years course content in modules in sequential syllabus progression: Course  Notes, Video lectures

Podcasts, Assignments, Tutor & Machine marking assignments and selfstudy progress analysis charts, internal communication mailings and forums with other students and tutors. As soon as a student enrolls we send a personal selfstudy configured page (mystudy page) 

with personal login codes. 

To give us momentum we use prearranged existing buildings and auditoriums in regions/districts for classroom lessons/ practicals to 

support our comprehensive LMS student selfstudy modules online.


We will provide computers/ internet access at all study centers  for all enrolled students. 


Each  student will be assigned a tutor/mentor to guide them in their online & other studies. We also use virtual classroom systems where our lecturers in Europe/Ghana UK/US etc will teach online with real live blackboard audio and visual contacts both directions, where

 students/Tutors can interact, ask questions/ give answers. Meaning our students will be trained by Ghana/Western/Global lecturers and 



So you get 4 training channels: 


1.Online selfstudy LMS  on your personal study Page with personal entry code.


2.Lecture hall/classroom at regions   


3.Praticals at all regional capitals 


4.Virtual classes with abroad and Ghana lecturers ( live online)

interactive two way teaching & asking questions by students.


1. Main degree courses 
2.Entrepreneuship studies
3.Training in your choice of project (Project plan, structure, management & compliances, 

Finance, etc.


We have now at start 18 undergraduate courses in offer. They are:


#Main degree COURSES BSc/BA.
1.Accounting, Banking & Finance 
2.Business Enterprise/Entrepreneurship
4.Childhood Studies/Nursery
5.Economics & Finance
6.Food security/Processes & distribution
7.Technology/ Engineering & Green energy
8.Human Resource Management
9.International Business/Exports/Geography
10. Journalism/Media/Mass Communication
11..Law (Citizens Advisory etc))
12.Management, Marketing, Economics
13.MIDWIFERY ObstetricNursingParamedics
14.Sports Science & Physiology.
15.History, Politics & Religion
16.Disability& Old Age welfare  management.
17.Administration & Public Administration
18.Astronomy /Physics/Mathematics









We will hold  orientation meetings at conference centers in all regions few weeks/months from now for all our enrolled/applied students. 

(In Accra & all regional capitals.) We will message details & venues to all applicants/enrolled students by e- mail and on website. etc. 

The venues we are starting arrangements  both for our daily lectures and orientation meetings are:


DAILY  LECTURES  locations/Auditoriums to arrange are:


(Select choice of lectures location on form):


1.Go University main building , Accra (in hiring)

2.Ghana Armed Forces Training College 

2.British Council  

3. University of Ghana auditorium

4. KASOA Go University building (in hiring)


1.KUST(University) Great Hall 

2. SSNIT Hall


1.Bed Time Hotel Auditorium


1.Chances Hotel Auditorium                         



1.Eusbett Auditorium


1.Manna Height Hotel auditorium


1.Akrowa Plaza Auditorium


1.Radach Lodge auditorium.

WA : Inservices TrainingCenter Halls


BOLGA: Inservices TrainingCenter Halls



Below are Examples of our online selfstudy modules online. Each module contains about 150 lectures, notes machine ssignments & practical units.

Click any onderlined module below to view. These are just few examples.

You may view all our modules by clicking on visitors view button at beginning of this page in red.



What Will You Study Studying our combined degree of Accounting and Economics gives you the opportunity to learn in two of the country’s leading departments, You’ll gain an understanding of Economics while taking an Accountancy course that...


M1 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc Go University

Overview Finance is the study of fund management and asset allocation over time. Funds consist of money and other assets. There are many different types of finance, but all are fundamentally concerned with studying how best to allocate assets...


M13 BUSINESS & Entrepreneurship BSc MODULE 13- GO UNIVERSITY

Law, in its simplest form, is used to protect one party from another. For instance, laws protect customers from being exploited by companies. Laws protect companies from other companies. Laws even protect citizens and corporations from the...


M2 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc Go University

Key Points Cash is generally any currency a business owns, whether it is at the place of business or in its bank accounts. Cash equivalents are securities that can easily and quickly be converted into cash. These securities mature within...


M3 Accounting/Banking & Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 3 Key Points Being given $100 today is better than being given $100 in the future because you don’t have to wait for your money. Money today has a value ( present value, or PV) and money in the future has a value ( future value,...


M4 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 4 Approaches to Investment Accounting Types of Investments: Dependence on Ownership Share Types of investments include: 20% to 50% (as an asset), greater than 50% (as a subsidiary), and less than 20% (as an investment...


M5 Accounts/Banking/Finance BSc- Go University

MODULE 5 The Security Markets Types of Stock Market Transactions Types of stock market transactions include IPO, secondary market offerings, secondary markets, private placement, and stock repurchase. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Differentiate...


M6 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

Introduction to the Time Value of Money Importance of the Time Value of Money Time value of money is integral in making the best use of a financial player’s limited funds. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe why the time value of money is...


M7 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 7 Introduction to Capital Budgeting Defining Capital Budgeting Capital budgeting is the planning process used to determine which of an organization’s long term investments are worth pursuing. LEARNING...



What Will You Study Studying our combined degree of Accounting and Economics gives you the opportunity to learn in two of the country’s leading departments, You’ll gain an understanding of Economics while taking an Accountancy course that...


M1 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc Go University

Overview Finance is the study of fund management and asset allocation over time. Funds consist of money and other assets. There are many different types of finance, but all are fundamentally concerned with studying how best to allocate assets...


M13 BUSINESS & Entrepreneurship BSc MODULE 13- GO UNIVERSITY

Law, in its simplest form, is used to protect one party from another. For instance, laws protect customers from being exploited by companies. Laws protect companies from other companies. Laws even protect citizens and corporations from the...


M2 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc Go University

Key Points Cash is generally any currency a business owns, whether it is at the place of business or in its bank accounts. Cash equivalents are securities that can easily and quickly be converted into cash. These securities mature within...


M3 Accounting/Banking & Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 3 Key Points Being given $100 today is better than being given $100 in the future because you don’t have to wait for your money. Money today has a value ( present value, or PV) and money in the future has a value ( future value,...


M4 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 4 Approaches to Investment Accounting Types of Investments: Dependence on Ownership Share Types of investments include: 20% to 50% (as an asset), greater than 50% (as a subsidiary), and less than 20% (as an investment...


M5 Accounts/Banking/Finance BSc- Go University

MODULE 5 The Security Markets Types of Stock Market Transactions Types of stock market transactions include IPO, secondary market offerings, secondary markets, private placement, and stock repurchase. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Differentiate...


M6 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

Introduction to the Time Value of Money Importance of the Time Value of Money Time value of money is integral in making the best use of a financial player’s limited funds. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe why the time value of money is...


M7 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 7 Introduction to Capital Budgeting Defining Capital Budgeting Capital budgeting is the planning process used to determine which of an organization’s long term investments are worth pursuing. LEARNING...



This stage is the MODULE 3 of the LLB law course. By this time you should have gone through the Module 1 & 2 and have done all the comprehensive Viva. This module 3 covers the following: -Rule of Law and Human Rights. -Sources of Law based...



Multiple lectures and notes. MODULE 1 LLB LAW The full LLB LAW course contains 15 modules. Each module contains series of unit lectures, presentations, assignments and projects. After completing each module you can request a module...



NOTE: YOU SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED COMPLETELY MODULE 1 by now before starting this Module 2. MODULE 2 of Go University LLB law covers: -Legal Law -Law of Contract -Legal English and Communication skills -History- general -Sociology-...



This Module 4 of the LLB law course covers the following: -Family Law -Civil law -Criminal law -Civil law -Difference between criminal law & Civil law -Constitutional law -Economics -Comprehensive Viva (Research and writings)



This BSc Business entrepreneurship course is offered in 15 modules. This is the start phase- first (MODULE 1). You must follow this module before you advance to module 2, 3..15 etc. GO UNIVERSITY as a project and entrepreneurship University is...



Why learn about employee motivation? What motivates you to do what you do? How do you motivate others to help you or to accomplish things on their own? You have already learned a lot about business and the role people play, both as managers...


M10 BUSINESS & Entrepreneurship BSc MODULE 10- GO UNIVERSITY

Lecture video/Podcasts mix


M11 BUSINESS & Entrepreneurship BSc MODULE 11- GO UNIVERSITY

Have you ever wondered what qualities billionaire Warren Buffet, visionary Steve Jobs, or Jeff Bezos all have in common? After you finish studying business practices in this course, you may discover that you have some of the same qualities as...


M12 BUSINESS & Entrepreneurship BSc MODULE 12- GO UNIVERSITY

In this course, you will learn about the marketing process and examine the range of marketing decisions that an organization must make in order to sell its products and services. You will also learn how to think like a marketer, discovering that...


M13 BUSINESS & Entrepreneurship BSc MODULE 13- GO UNIVERSITY

Law, in its simplest form, is used to protect one party from another. For instance, laws protect customers from being exploited by companies. Laws protect companies from other companies. Laws even protect citizens and corporations from the...



What Will You Study Studying our combined degree of Accounting and Economics gives you the opportunity to learn in two of the country’s leading departments, You’ll gain an understanding of Economics while taking an Accountancy course that...


M1 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc Go University

Overview Finance is the study of fund management and asset allocation over time. Funds consist of money and other assets. There are many different types of finance, but all are fundamentally concerned with studying how best to allocate assets...


M13 BUSINESS & Entrepreneurship BSc MODULE 13- GO UNIVERSITY

Law, in its simplest form, is used to protect one party from another. For instance, laws protect customers from being exploited by companies. Laws protect companies from other companies. Laws even protect citizens and corporations from the...


M2 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc Go University

Key Points Cash is generally any currency a business owns, whether it is at the place of business or in its bank accounts. Cash equivalents are securities that can easily and quickly be converted into cash. These securities mature within...


M3 Accounting/Banking & Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 3 Key Points Being given $100 today is better than being given $100 in the future because you don’t have to wait for your money. Money today has a value ( present value, or PV) and money in the future has a value ( future value,...


M4 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 4 Approaches to Investment Accounting Types of Investments: Dependence on Ownership Share Types of investments include: 20% to 50% (as an asset), greater than 50% (as a subsidiary), and less than 20% (as an investment...


M5 Accounts/Banking/Finance BSc- Go University

MODULE 5 The Security Markets Types of Stock Market Transactions Types of stock market transactions include IPO, secondary market offerings, secondary markets, private placement, and stock repurchase. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Differentiate...


M6 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

Introduction to the Time Value of Money Importance of the Time Value of Money Time value of money is integral in making the best use of a financial player’s limited funds. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe why the time value of money is...


M7 Accounting/Banking/Finance BSc - Go University

MODULE 7 Introduction to Capital Budgeting Defining Capital Budgeting Capital budgeting is the planning process used to determine which of an organization’s long term investments are worth pursuing. LEARNING...





Whatever else you're looking for, we've got it also. Write it on forms on demand for possibilities

Undergraduate BSc/BA

BSc Astronomy

BSc Biology

BE Business Enterprise

BSc Chemistry

BA Classics/Ancient World

BSc Computer Science

BSc Economics

BSc General Engineering

BSc Environment Science

BA History

BA Literature

BSc Math

BA Philosophy

BSc Physics

BSc Political Science

BA Psychology

BA Religion

BSc Accounting & Finance management


BA Public Administration

BSc Banking, finance, & economics

BA European studies

BA American studies

BSc Education & Teacher training

BA Human resource management

BA Business and Management

BA Marketing



MA Human Rights by research

MA International Affairs & Diplomacy

MA Law enforcement, Security & Intelligence studies

MA Military history by research

MA Philosophy by research

MA Security & Intelligence

Master of Business Administration

MED in Education & Leadership

MPhil Economics

 MPhil Business by Research

MPhil Computing by research

MPhil Intelligence Studies by research

MPhil Law by research

MPhil Psychology

MSc Accounting & Finance

MSc in Continuous Improvement in Public Service by Research

MSc Finance & Investment

MSc Financial service Management

MSc in Global Service Economy

MPhil  Biomedical Science by research

Postgraduate certificate in Law enforcement Security & Intelligence Studies.

Postgraduate diploma in International & commercial Law


DPhil Economics by research

DPhil Business by research

DPhil Computing by Research

DPhil International Studies by research

DPhil Law by Research

DPhil Psychology

DPhil political Science by research

DPhil Forensic Accounting by research

The core VALUES which underpin our vision are:

*Inclusissiveness of Rural communities

*International outlook







*Trust and Integrity




PRINCIPLES guiding our operations are:

*Equality of opportunity

*Good citizenship


*Good Governance

*Accessibility & Approachability

Go University

Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!




-Direct cash earnings in hand


We offer FREE group entrepreneurship project program to all our students at no extra costs. You choose one out of 15 programs besides your main course. (Midwifery students don't need to choose a program/project - midwifery itself is a course & program/project at same time). With this program students choose their main degree course, we add entrepreneurship degree course and a year after graduation we put them in business entrepreneurship groups or larger group and offer venture capital as described above. Course & training duration 4 years. After that we promise Employment/group capital Ghc 500.0005.000.000/ (small groups) .Or in one of our larger 14 projects in 10s of millions Ghc. You choose which type project you want to be in on the online enrollment form.///

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