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                                                                                              ( We Guarantee work or practice after studies)   


                                        2018- 2019 Academic. year: Studies start September 2018 but  enroll now to secure place.                                         

       SHS leavers, Commercial, Training/Technical schools, Mature students, Traditional midwifes   etc) all can apply















our Dress Code  during training & practice -Females  ( Males- formal executive)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Midwifery Project Africa- Ghana


GoMidwifery of (GoUniversity) is a private project- Midwifery training and entrepreneurship institute and has a unique planned midwifery 

course/project  to train midwifes/obstetrics nursing to cover all districts of Ghana with our technical support in Ghana/Europe


It is an ambitious project to enhance pregnancy, maternal, infant health &survival solutions especially in rural communities .We require +-50 candidates per ordinary district, 100 per municipal & 

300 per metropolitan with guaranteed employment & project dividend benefits from our venture investment systems. 


We will build complete modern well equipped midwifery practice centers for our graduates to work in.There will be a special 

venture investment in our project system attached to the midwifery to financially support midwifery project. 


Midwifes/Nurses will own 40% stake in the venture system as Ltd liability. The midwifery practice itself will be a cooperative 

to serve almost free to all & high risk pregnancy groups in all regions/districts.


We accept average or high grade shs & others etc. What we look critically at are: Interest, Passion, Motivation and Diligence 

because midwifery is a vocation that demands patience, love & empathy. 


We will train  theoretic and practicals using most modern apparatus & methods in Ghana & from our technical supporters in Europe. We will offer further  training free to all graduates whilst practicing. We will train in English & all major Ghana 

Regional local Languages.


We will train by classroom & selfstudy material/Lms online + Virtual classroom with Trainers from Europe/Ghana +  

Classroom lessons + Practicals + Live internship. Enroll  at website. Enrollment fee is Ghc 250. Fees 1950 Ghc/semester. You 

may pay fees weekly, monthly or semester as you can.


No huge amount deposits. 


Facilities planned for midwifery project at end of studies are: Equipped Practice Centers at regions/districts, Mobile Clinics,  

Land & Air Ambulances to enhance midwifery services especially high risk pregnancies in remote/ rural areas.


We have all Midwifery and entrepreneurship courses content modules (LMS) fully built online for students own selfstudies in addition to formal classroom lessons and practicals... To give us momentum we use prearranged existing buildings and 

auditoriums in regions/districts for classroom lessons and practicals to support our comprehensive LMS student selfstudy 

modules online. 

We will provide computers & internet access at all study centers  for all enrolled students. As soon as a student enrolls we will send a personal selfstudy configured page (mystudy page) with personal login codes. The mystudy page will contain the full 3/4year course content in modules in sequential syllabus progression:, Course  notes, Video  lectures, Podcasts, Assignments, Tutor & machine marking assignments and Selfstudy progress analysis charts, internal communication mailings and forums with other students and tutors. Each  student will be assigned a tutor/mentor to guide them in their online & other studies. 


We also use virtual classroom systems where our lecturers in Ghana, Europe/US etc will teach online with real live blackboard audio and visual contacts both directions, where students/Tutors can interact, ask questions and give answers. 

Meaning our students will be trained by Ghana and western tutors and experts. So you get 4 training channels: 


1.Online selfstudy LMS 


2. Lecture hall/classroom at all regions capitals.


3. Practicals center at all regional capitals. 


4.Virtual online lectures/tutorials. So studies can be at any regional capital. 



 We train midwife students from scratch till  graduation & certification 


1.Free further training after studies and  at practice.

2.Guaranteed employment in midwifery project/salary.

3.Guaranteed group 40% ownership of project ventures & investments  to financially support project continuity. 


4.Training online with Selfstudy LMS & European/Ghana trainers & classroom lessons & practicals. Duration 4 yrs/4th year 

live practicals/internship with Ghana/abroad experts .


 5.We require only 50 enrollments per district. 1st applied 1st considered. Training in Accra or your regional capital as you 

choose. Enrollment fee Ghc 250. .Fees payment as you can weekly, monthly etc. Ghc 1950 per semester  etc.   


We provide all materials for your studies/training. yOU BUY NOTHING else. First year is purely claasroom theory & online 

practicals/videos.    -Classroom/workshop  practicals after 1st year.

NOTE: All our courses include free general paper studies on: Constitutional Law/Ghana constitution, Rule of law, Ecowas & OAU.




   Fill online free forms &click send. 







There are a range of important skills and knowledge you will need to pursue a career in midwifery.


Excellent people skills

Having babies happens to all sorts of people, so you will be providing professional support and reassurance to a huge diversity of women, during some of the most emotionally-intense periods in their lives.

You need to be good at listening and communicating with women, their partners and families.


Good communication and observation

You need to be good at listening and communicating with women, their partners and families.


Interest in the physical, psychological and process of pregnancy and birth

Working as a midwife you will need to have an in-depth understanding of foetal and child development. It is also important for you to update and test your knowledge against experience.


Ability to answer questions and offer advice

Midwives are the most frequent point of contact for prospective parents, so you must be able to answer their questions, share your knowledge and skills with patients, their families and friends and make sure their needs are recognised by the rest of the team.


Happy to work as part of a team

You’ll be part of a multidisciplinary team liaising with doctors, health visitors and social workers. The better you know each other, the more smoothly the pregnancy and birth are likely to be.


Dealing with emotionally charged situations

You’ll have to stay calm and alert in times of stress, and enable women to feel confident and in control. On the rare occasions where something goes wrong, you have to be ready to react quickly and effectively.


Values and behaviours 


  • care

  • compassion

  • competence

  • communication

  • courage

  • commitment.



Midwifery as a Job

Midwives often describe their job as 'privileged'. The role they have in preparing women for the delivery of new life makes them a vital presence during all stages of pregnancy, labour and the early postnatal period. 


As well as the satisfaction it brings, the role is demanding and carries a high level of responsibility. Midwives work in all healthcare settings in a variety of ways, providing women and their families with choices and continuity of care.


Working autonomously and as part of a team

As a midwife, you’ll mainly deal with women who are healthy but require professional support and advice to help them throughout pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period.

Midwives often describe their job as 'privileged'.


If there are no complications, you will be the lead health professional and contact for a woman, providing evidence-based information and helping her make informed choices about the options and services available throughout her pregnancy and labour.

A midwife’s client base often includes women from a variety of backgrounds and you will need to be confident enough to communicate with different people. Some women and their families will have challenging circumstances – they may be homeless, socially excluded, have disabilities or be very young, in which case you may need to liaise with social services.

Other clients may be from certain cultural or religious backgrounds, where high levels of empathy and intuition are important.


Training and qualifications

Becoming a midwife means undertaking professional education at degree level. Some midwives are qualified nurses who have chosen to change career direction and undertaken the necessary extra study. Others work their way up via a range of routes before going on to study for a registered midwifery degree. Some begin their midwifery career after a first career in an unrelated field.




Examples of our Midwifery full course online modules for students self study. Click on any underlined module below to view

Each module contains about 150 topic units/notes/video lectures//practical exhibitions & workshops.


To begin we give you full insight  of module 1 midwifery  to get  you a deep breath understanding of what we have for you.  After exploring this first module 1, we have more advancing modules on the list here for you to view to ascertain the real high level studies we want share with  you.

Knowledge Far above your expectations!




Description MODULE E 1 midwifery

MIDWIFERY -Introduction to Medical Technology/First Aid/paramedics/Midwifery MODULE 1. 


This module is a general MODULE for all medical Technology students:

-BSc MIDWIFERY & Obstetric nursing ( 15 modules total) 3/4 years depending on your speed. 

-BSc Radiology/X-ray etc ( 15 modules total) 2 years- 3 years depending on your speed 
-Certificate : Short Medical Technology courses (2 modules). 6 months- 1 year. 

Course Description: 
This course is designed for students to appreciate the concept and principles of MIDWIFERY and OBSTETRICAL Nursing. It helps them to acquire knowledge and skills in rendering nursing care to normal and high risk pregnant women during antenatal, natal and post natal period in hospital and community settings. It also develops skills in managing normal and high risk neonates and participates in family welfare programs. 

This General module contains the following:

1.General introduction to Medical technology and health needs in developing countries. 
2.Medical Terminology terminology. 
4.Introduction to modern medical equipment and machines. 
5.CPR and first aid 
6.General paramedics and medical instant help. 
7.Problem of pregnancy and child birth in developing countries. 
8.General child delivery tips and Techniques and how to help in emergencies. 
9.Public health nursing. 
10.International and national health policies. millennium goals. 

The idea is that by finishing only this first module students will be in a reasonable state of awareness of the huge health problems facing Africa and developing countries and can help in emergencies in their surroundings should the need arises. 
This medical technology course emphasizes on knowledge of practice, techniques and awareness rather than pure theory. 
The theory aspect is to let you understand the underlying factors, symptoms and reasoning behind the practice and emergencies in order to be able to infer and act accordingly. So for every theory you learn try to connect it to the practical working knowledge and experience. 

Medical technology (midwifery)  is more of a vocation than pure work. Human life and quality of life are at stake so be passionate, patient, loving and understanding and very sacrificial. 
You will be spiritually rewarded. 

God stand by you. 

Click on the lectures, notes and presentation list below starting from the first top line to start your studies. 
Move step by step through the whole list. It will take you weeks to reasonably complete this whole module units. 
Make notes and important points and tips whilst you go through the studies.



  • Medical Terminology

  • Medical Terminology

  • Bacteriology-introduction

  • Problem of child birth in developing countries

  • 9 months baby development in the womb-- week by week

  • How a baby develops during pregnancy

  •  9 Months in the Womb: Real Footage of Developing Baby (fetus)

  • 9 Months In The Womb: A Remarkable Look At Fetal Development Through Ultrasound

  • Human Development Week By Week

  • Fetal Development: How human formed from Sperms to a Baby

  • Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a sperm to human baby- in womb

  • The Position of the Baby in womb You Tube

  • Baby playing inside womb

  • 3D fetal ultrasound - amazing things fetuses do in the womb - Dr. I. Shapiro

  • Pregnancy Music: Beetho for Babies Womb - Classical Music Baby Brain Development

  • Common Complications (Pregnancy Considerations #5)

  • Pregnancy Complications

  • 17 pregnancy complications

  • High-Risk Pregnancy for Mother with Triplets

  • How to Avoid Health Complications during Pregnancy

  • Health Video on Pregnancy Complications (Nuchal Cord)

  • Pregnancy Complications (The Baby Book)

  • Complications in Pregnancy PREVIEW

  • Complications During Pregnancy: Tips For Pregnant

  • Complications in Pregnancy:Marginal Placenta Previ

  • Fibroids And Pregnancy Complications - See Now

  • Management of Medical Complications During Pregnancy- Dr. Brian Brost, 8/28/13

  • Pregnancy Complications Pt. 4

  • QUICK OBGYN: Unique complications of Monoamniotic twin pregnancy

  • Complications During Pregnancy with Twins Part 2 2 video AOL Parentdish UK

  • Uterine fibroids pregnancy complications

  • Twin Pregnancy Complications

  • Medical Complications of Pregnancy

  • Common pregnancy problems

  • Pregnancy complications to watch out for

  • Some common complications of pregnancy

  • Pregnancy- signs and meanings

  • Complications in Pregnancy PREVIEW

  • How to manage pregnancy complications

  • Pregnancy: use of medicines in managing complications

  • Things You Should and Should Not Do During Pregnancy


  • Pregnancy- maternal changes and general info

  • How to Perform CPR video

  • How to Perform CPR : How to Perform a CPR Demonstration

  • How To Do Adult CPR

  • How to do CPR - English

  • How to Give CPR | First Aid Training

  • Adult CPR Training Video - How to Do CPR

  • How To Do CPR On An Infant

  • how to do cpr on a pregnant women lol

  • CPR for pregnant

  • OSCE Clinical Skills -Pregnant abdomen

  • Resuscitation in Pregnancy:

  • CPR in Pregnancy

  • Cpr on the drowned woman.flv

  • Botineras - CPR and Defibs on woman

  • How To Perform CPR on a Baby with Dr. Jim Sears

  • Infant & Toddler CPR

  • How to Give Baby CPR - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance

  • CPR for Children (1 to 12 Years)

  • Infant CPR - Choking Part 1

  • Unconscious Adult Choking

  • Conscious Adult Choking

  • Adult Choking CPR

  • CPR Skill: Choking - Conscious Adult

  • CPR - Adult Choking

  • How to Save an Adult who is choking - CPR/AED/Chokesaving Training in S

  • CPR 10 - Conscious Choking Adult and Child - American Health Care Academy

  • Resuscitation of Newborn Infants

  • Neonatal Resuscitation. Meconium Aspiration and Digital Intubation

  • Neonatal Resuscitation SKILLED HEALTHWORKER

  • Homebirth Equipment : What you need for a safe homebirth

  • Homebirth delivery baby

  • Natural birth, delivery of young mom

  • Home birth

  • FAQ labour and birth

  • 2011 Celebrating Nurse Midwives

  • 2011 Celebrating Nurse Midwives

  • Extra lectures- Midwifery pratice Tips

  • Midwifery Practice Tips- GO UNIVERSITY

  • ...........................                end of  view module 1Midwifery.............................................................................................................................................................





More Examples of our Midwifery full course online modules for students self study.

Click on any underlined module below to view.


Each module contains about 150 topic units/notes/video lectures//practical exhibitions & workshops.





This module 4 of the Midwifery & Obstetric degree course covers the ASSESSMENT & MANAGEMENT of PREGNANCY ( ante-natal) before you start this Module 4 you should have already fully gone through Modules 1,2, & 3 including all assignments,...

Get this course 


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 10 GO UNIVERSITY

Assessment and management of women during postnatal period... The puerperium covers the six-week period following birth, during which time the various changes that occurred during pregnancy revert to the non-pregnant state. Physiological...

Get this course 


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 11 GO UNIVERSITY

Assessment of normal neonates Normal Neonate; · Physiological adaptation, • Initial & Daily assessment • Essential newborn care; Thermal control, • Breast feeding , prevention of infections · ...

Get this course 


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 12 GO UNIVERSITY

High-risk pregnancy –assessment & management. Screening and assessment • Ultrasonics, cardio tomography, NST, CST, non-invasive • Newer modalities of diagnosis · High-risk approach · Levels of...

Get this course 


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 12 GO UNIVERSITY

Abnormal Labour –assessment and management · Disorders in labour • CPD and contracted pelvis • Malposititions and malpresentations • Premature labour, disorders of uterine actions – precipitate...

Get this course 


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 14 GO UNIVERSITY

Abnormalities during Postnatal periods · Assessment and management of woman of with postnatal complications • Puerperal infections, breast engorgement & infections, UTI, thrombo-Embolic disorders, · Postpartum...

Get this course 


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 15 GO UNIVERSITY

Assessment and management of High risk new born · Admission of neonates in the neonatal intensive care Units-protocols · Nursing management of • Low birth weight babies • Infections • ...

Get this course 


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 16 GO UNIVERSITY

INTERNSHIP/ PRACTICALS Whole 4th year is module 16 internship Modules 1-15 must be completed in 3 years.

Get this course 




Other advanced sectors of midwifery practice scope ( Go University will go with you also in these sectors for general understanding)


Obstetric and gynecologic surgery refers to procedures that are performed to treat a variety of conditions affecting the female reproductive organs. The main structures of the reproductive system are the vagina, the uterus, the ovaries, and the fallopian tubes.



Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Gynecology is a broader field, focusing on the general health care of women and treating conditions that affect the female reproductive organs. Medical doctors who choose to specialize in obstetrics and gynecology must undergo at least four years of post-medical school training (called a residency) in the areas of women's general health, pregnancy, labor and delivery, preconceptional and postpartum care, prenatal testing, and genetics. Obstetrician-gynecologists (also called OB-GYNs) may also subspecialize in the areas of gynecologic oncology (the treatment of cancers that affect the reproductive system), maternal-fetal medicine (the care of high-risk pregnancies), reproductive endocrinology and infertility (the study and treatment of the reproductive glands and hormones and the causes of infertility), and urogynecology (treatment of urinary tract and pelvic disorders).


Surgical procedures

There are a wide range of surgical procedures that have been developed to treat the various conditions that affect the female reproductive organs.


THE VAGINA. The vagina is the muscular canal that extends from the opening of the vulva (the external female genitals) to the cervix, the lower part of the uterus.

The vagina is the outlet for menstrual blood and is also where the penis is inserted during sexual intercourse.

Some common surgical procedures that are performed on the vagina include:

  • Episiotomy. A surgical incision made in the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) to expand the opening of the vagina to prevent tearing during delivery.

  • Colporrhaphy. Surgical repair of the vagina may be necessary after childbirth, sexual assault, or other injuries.

  • Colpotomy. This incision into the wall of the vagina may be used to excise ovarian cysts, perform tubal ligation , or remove uterine fibroids.

  • Colposcopy. A colposcope is a specialized instrument used to visualize the vagina and cervix, to diagnose abnormalities, or to test for the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells.

THE UTERUS. The uterus is the hollow, muscular organ at the top of the vagina. The cervix is the neck-shaped opening at the lower part of the uterus, while the fundus is the rounded upper portion. The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus; it is where a fertilized egg will implant during the early days of pregnancy. The endometrium normally sheds during each menstrual cycle if the egg released during ovulation has not been fertilized. The myometrium is the middle muscular layer of the uterus; it is the myometrium that rhythmically contracts during labor contractions.

Some common surgical procedures that are performed on the uterus include:

  • Myomectomy. A procedure in which myomas (uterine fibroids) are surgically removed from the uterus.

  • Cesarean section . A surgical procedure in which incisions are made through the woman's abdomen and uterus to deliver her baby.

  • Cervical cerclage . The cervix is stitched closed to prevent a miscarriage or premature birth.

  • Cervical cryosurgery. Cryosurgery freezes and destroys an area of the cervix in which precancerous cells have been found.

  • Induced abortion. The intentional termination of a pregnancy before the fetus can live independently.

  • Hysterectomy. The removal of part or all of the uterus may be done to treat uterine cancer, fibroid tumors, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, or other conditions of the uterus.

  • Hysterotomy. This incision into the uterus is done during a cesarean section, open fetal surgery , and some second-trimester abortions.

  • Dilatation and curettage. D&C is a gynecological procedure in which the cervix is dilated (expanded) and the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is scraped away.

THE OVARIES. The ovaries are egg-shaped structures located to each side of the uterus. It is within the ovaries that the female egg develops. A mature egg is released from one of the ovaries approximately every 28 days during a process called ovulation.

The surgical procedures that are performed on the ovaries include:

  • Oophorectomy. One or both ovaries may be removed during this procedure to prevent or treat ovarian or other cancers, to remove large ovarian cysts, or to treat endometriosis.

  • Cystectomy . An ovarian cystectomy may be used to remove part of an ovary to treat ovarian tumors or cysts.

THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. The fallopian tubes are the structures that carry a mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus. These tubes, which are about 4 in (10 cm) long and 0.2 in (0.5 cm) in diameter, are found on the upper outer sides of the uterus, and open into the uterus through small channels. It is within a fallopian tube that fertilization, the joining of the egg and the sperm, takes place.

Some common surgical procedures that are performed on the fallopian tubes include:

  • Salpingostomy. An incision is made in the fallopian tube, often to excise an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Salpingectomy. One or both fallopian tubes are removed in this procedure. It may be used to treat ruptured or bleeding fallopian tubes (as a result of ectopic pregnancy), infection, or cancer.

  • Tubal ligation. A permanent form of birth control in which a woman's fallopian tubes are surgically cut or blocked off to prevent pregnancy.

THE VULVA. The external female genital organs (or vulva) include the labia majora, two lips or folds that enclose the labia minora.The labia minora, in turn, are two lips or folds that enclose the clitoris, a small sensitive organ with a high number of nerve endings.

Some examples of surgeries that affect the vulva are:

  • Vulvectomy. The vulva may be partially or completely removed, as in the case of vulvar cancer.

  • Laceration or hematoma repair. Vulvar hematoma (a localized collection of blood) or laceration may result from a "straddle" injury, sexual assault, or childbirth. Severe hematomas may need surgical drainage.


Obstetric and gynecologic anesthesia

There are a number of options available to women for pain relief during obstetric or gynecologic surgery. Pain medications given intravenously (into a vein) or intramuscularly (into a muscle) help to decrease the amount of pain during childbirth or certain procedures, although they will generally not completely eliminate pain.

Regional anesthesia, either a spinal or an epidural, is the preferred method of pain relief during childbirth and certain surgical procedures such as cesarean section, tubal ligation, cervical cerclage, and others that do not require the patient to be unconscious. The benefits of regional anesthesia include allowing the patient to be awake during the surgery, avoiding the risks of general anesthesia, and allowing early contact between mother and child in the case of a cesarean section. Spinal anesthesia involves inserting a needle into a region between the vertebrae of the lower back and injecting numbing medications. An epidural is similar to a spinal except that a catheter is inserted so that numbing medications may be administered as needed. Some women experience a drop in blood pressure when a regional anesthetic is administered; this can be countered with fluids and/or medications.

In some instances, use of general anesthesia may be indicated. General anesthesia can be more rapidly administered in the case of an emergency (e.g. severe fetal distress). If the mother has a coagulation disorder that would be complicated by a drop in blood pressure (a risk with regional anesthesia), general anesthesia is an alternative. General anesthesia is also used for some of the more complicated and prolonged obstetric and gynecologic surgeries.



 Project & CollegContact Info:
 Tel: 0209476517/0576001233/


 Whatsapp nr:  0209476517

 National Administration office
 Location: Accra


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