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GO UNIVERSITY  Ghana/Global 2016/17/18/19





BSc Computer Science - Semester 


Paper I - Digital Logic Fundamentals


Number Systems & Codes: Number System - Base Conversion - Binary Codes - Code Conversion. Digital Logic: Logic Gates - Truth Tables - Universal Gates.


Boolean Algebra: Laws & Theorems - SOP, POS Methods - Simplification of Boolean Functions - Using Theorems, K-Map, Prime - Implicant Method - Implementation using Universal Gates. Binary Arithmetic: Binary Addition - Subtraction - Various Representations of Binary Numbers - Arithmetic Building Blocks - Adders - Subtracters.


Combinational Logic: Multiplexers - Demultiplexers - Decoders - Encoders - Code Converters - Parity Generators & Checkers - PAL - PLA.


Sequential Logic: RS, JK, D, and T Flip-Flops - Edge-Triggered - Master-Slave Flip- Flops. Registers: Shift Registers - Types of Shift Registers.


Counters: Asynchronous Counters Ripple, Mod, Up-Down Counters- Decoding Gates - Synchronous Counters - Ring, Decade, Presettable, Shift Counters. Memory: Basic Terms & Ideas - Magnetic Memories - Memory Addressing - Types of ROMs - Types of RAMs.


Practical I - Digital Laboratory

I: Study of Logic Gates

1. Logic Gates using discrete components.
2. Verification of truth table for AND, OR, NOT, NA.N1J, NOR and XOR gates.
3. Realisation of NOT, AND, OR, EX-OR gates with only NAND gates.
4. Realisation of NOT, AND, OR, EX-OR gates with only NOR gates.

II Implementation of Logic circuits

1.Verfication of Associative law for AND, OR gates.
2.Karnaugh's Map reduction and logic circuit implementation.

III: Adder and Subtractor

1. Verification of Demorgans Law.
2. Implementation of Half- Adder and Half- Subtractor.
3. Implementation of Full-Adder and Full Subtractor.
4.Four bit binary Adder.
5.Four bits binary subtractor using is and 2s complement.

IV : Shift Registers

1. Implementation of Shift Registers. Serial Transfer.
2. Ring Counter.
3. 4 - bit binary counter.
4. BCD counter.
5. Counters for arbitrary sequence.




BSc Computer Science - Semester II

Paper II - Computer Architecture and Organization


Computer Evolution: Pentium and Power PC Evolution. Computer System: Components Function - Interconnection Structures - Bus interconnection - Basics of PCI Bus. Memory: Characteristics - Hierarchy - Cache Memory - Principles - Cache Design - Locality of Reference.


Main Memory: Static RAM - Dynamic RAM - Types of ROM - Memory Chip Organization - Types of DRAM. External Memory: Magnetic Disk - Basics of RAID - Optical Memory - Magnetic Tapes.


Input/Output: External Devices - I/O Module - Programmed I/O - Interrupt Driven I/O - DMA - I/O Channels & Processors. Computer Arithmetic: ALU -. Integer Representation and Arithmetic - Floating Point Representation and Arithmetic. Instruction Set: Characteristics - Operand Types - Operation Types - Addressing Modes - instruction Formats - Pentium and Power PC Operands, Operations, Addressing Modes (Simple Examples).


CPU: Organization of Processors and Registers - Instruction Cycle - Instruction Pipelining - Pentium Processor. RISC: Characteristics - Large Register File - Register Optimisation - Architecture - RISC Vs CISC Characteristics - Pipelining.


Control Unit: Micro-Operations - Control of Processors - Hardwired Implementation - Micro Programmed Control Concepts -- Microinstruction Sequencing - General Microinstruction Execution


Paper III - Programming In C


C fundamentals Character set - Identifier and keywords - data types - constants - Variables - Declarations - Expressions - Statements - Arithmetic, Unary, Relational and logical, Assignment and Conditional Operators - Library functions.


Data input output functions - Simple C programs - Flow of control - if, if-else, while, do-while, for ioop, Nested control structures - Switch, break and continue, go to statements - Comma operator.


Functions -Definition - proto-types - Passing arguments - Recursions. Storage Classes - Automatic, External, Static, Register Variables - Multi-file programs.


Arrays - Defining and Processing - Passing arrays to functions - Multi-dimension arrays - Arrays and String. Structures - User defined data types - Passing structures to functions - Self-referential structures - Unions - Bit wise operations.


Pointers - Declarations - Passing pointers to Functions - Operation in Pointers - Pointer and Arrays - Arrays of Pointers - Structures and Pointers - Files : Creating Processing ,Opening and Closing a data file.

Practical II - Programming In C

I. Summation of Series:

1. Sin(x), 2. Cos(x), 3. Exp(x) (Comparison with built in functions)

II String Manipulation:

1. Counting the no. of vowels, consonants, words, white spaces in a line of text and array of lines.
2. Reverse a string & check for palindrome.
3. Sub string detection, count and removal.
4. Finding and replacing substrings.

III Recursion

1. nPr,nCr
2. GCD of two numbers
3. Fibonacci sequence
4. Maximum & Minimum
5. Towers of Hanoi

IV Matrix Manipulation:

6. Addition & Subtraction
7. Multiplication
8. Transpose, and trace of a matrix
9. Determinant of a Matrix

V Sorting and Searching:

1. Insertion Sort
2. Bubble Sort
3. Linear Search
4. Binary Search






BSc Computer Science - Semester III

Paper VI - Data Structures and Algorithms


Definition of a Data structure - primitive and composite Data Types, Asymptotic notations, Arrays, Operations on Arrays, Order lists.


Stacks - Applications of Stack - Infix to Postfix Conversion, Recursion, Maze Problems - Queues - Operations on Queues, Queue Applications, Circular Queue.


Singly Linked List - Operations, Application - Representation of a Polynomial, Polynomial Addition; Doubly Linked List - Operations, Applications - Ordering of Books in Library (Alphabetical Ordering).


Trees and Graphs: Binary Trees - Conversion of Forest to Binary Tree, Operations - Tree Traversals; Graph - Definition, Types of Graphs, Hashing Tables and Hashing Functions, Traversal - Shortest Path; Dijkstra's Algorithm.


Algorithm - Definition - Examples - Complexity - Divide and Conquer - Binary Search - Maximum and Minimum - Merge Sort.


Paper V - Objected Oriented Programming with C++

Practical III - Data Structures Using C++






BSc Computer Science - Semester IV

Paper VI - System Software

Unit - I:

Language processors - Language processing activities and fundamentals - Language specification - Development Tools - Data Structures for Language processing- Scanners and Parsers.

Unit - II:

Assemblers: Elements of Assembly language programming - Overview of the Assembly process - Design of a Tow-pass Assembler - A single pass Assembler for the IBM PC.

Unit - III:

Macros and Macro processors - Macro definition, call, and expansion - Nested macro calls - Advanced macro facilities - Design of a macro preprocessor - Compilers: Aspects of compilation.

Unit - IV:

Compilers and Interpreters - Memory allocation Compilation of Expressions and Control structures - Code optimization - Interpreters.

Unit - V:

Linkers : Linking and Relocation concepts - Design of a linker - Self relocating Programs - A linker for MS DOS - Linking for over-lays - loaders Software tools: Software tools for program development - Editors - Debug monitors - Programming environments - User interfaces.


Paper VII - Microprocessors and Its Application


Introduction to Micro Computers, Microprocessors and Assembly Languages - Microprocessor architecture and its operations - 8085 MPU - 8085 Instruction set and classifications.


Writing assembly levels programs - Programming techniques such as looping, counting and indexing addressing nodes - Data transfer instructions - Arithmetic and logic operations - Dynamic debugging.


Counters and Time delays - Hexadecimal counter - ModulolO counter .- Pulse Timings for flashing lights - Debugging counter and time delay program - stack - subroutine - conditional call and return instructions.


BCD to Binary and Binary to BCD conversions - BCD to HEX and HEX to BCD conversions - ASCII to BCD and BCD to ASCII conversions - BCD to Seven segment LED Code conversions - Binary to ASCII and ASCII to Binary conversions - Muitibyte Addition - Multibyte subtraction - BCD addition BCD Subtraction - Multiplication and Division.

UNIT - V :

Interrupt - Implementing interrupts - Multiple interrupt 8085 - trap Problems on implementing 8085 interrupt - DMA - Memory interfaces - Ram & Rom - I/O interface-Direct I/O - Memory mapped I/O.


Practical IV - Microprocessors Lab

I: Addition and Subtraction

1. 8-bit addition.
2. 16 - bit addition.
3. 8 - bit subtraction.
4. BCD subtraction.

II: Multiplication and Division

1. 8 - bit multiplication.
2. BCD multiplication.
3. 8-bit division.

III: Sorting and Searching

1. Searching for an element in an array.
2. Sorting in Ascending order.
3. Finding largest and smallest elements from an array.
4. Reversing array elements.
5. Block move.
6. Sorting in descending order.

IV: Code Conversion

1. BCD to Hex and Hex to BCD.
2. Binary to ASCII and ASCII to binary.
3. ASCII to BCD and BCD to ASCII.

V: Applications

1. Square of a single byte Hex number.
2. Square of a two digit BCD number.
3. Square root of a single byte Hex number.
4. Square root of a two digit BCD number.
5. Traffic Signal controller.





BSc Computer Science - Semester V

Paper VIII Operating Systems



Introduction: Views- Goals - Types of System - OS Structure - Components - Services - System Structure Layered Approach - Virtual Machines - System Design and Implementation. Process Management: Process - Process Scheduling - Cooperating Process - Treads - Inter-process Communication. CPU Scheduling: CPU Schedulers - Scheduling Criteria - Scheduling Algorithms.


Process Synchronization: Critical- Section Problem - Synchronization Hardware - Semaphores - Classical Problems of Synchronization - Critical Region - Monitors. Deadlocks: Characterization - Methods for Handling Deadlocks - Deadlock Prevention - Avoidance - Detection - Recovery.


Memory Management: Address Binding - Dynamic Loading and Linking - Overlays - Logical and Physical Address Space - Contiguous Allocation - Internal & External Fragmentation. Non-Contiguous Allocation: Paging and Segmentation Schemes - Implementation - Hardware-Protection - Sharing - Fragmentation.


Virtual Memory: Demand Paging - Page Replacement - Page Replacement Algorithms - Thrashing. File System: File Concepts -. Access Methods - Directory Structures - Protection Consistency Semantics - File System Structures - Allocation Methods - Free Space Management.


I/O System: Overview - I/O Hardware - Application I/O Interface - Kernel I/O Subsystem - Transforming 110 Requests to Hardware Operations - Performance. Secondary Storage Structures: Protection - Goals - Domain - Access matrix - The Security Problem - Authentication - Threats - Threat Monitoring - Encryption.


Paper IX - Database Management Systems


Advantages and Components of a Database Management Systems - Feasibility Study - Class Diagrams - Data Types - Events - Normal Forms - Integrity - Converting Class Diagrams to Normalized Tables - Data Dictionary.


Query Basics - Computation Using Queries - Subtotals and GROUP BY Command - Queries with Multiple Tables Subqueries - Joins - DDL & DML - Testing Queries.


Effective Design of Forms and Reports - Form Layout - Creating Forms - Graphical Objects - Reports -- Procedural Languages - Data on Forms - Programs to Retrieve and Save Data - Error Handling.


Power of Application Structure - User Inteiface Features - Transaction -- Forms Events - Custom Reports - Distributing Application - Table Operations - Data Storage Methods - Storing Data Columns - Data Clustering and Partitioning.


Database Administration - Development Stages - Application Types - Backup and Recovery - Security and Privacy - Distributed Databases - Client/Server Databases - Web as a Client/Server System - Objects - Object Oriented Databases - Integrated Applications.


Paper X - Visual Programming

Unit - I:

Customizing a Form - Writing Simple Programs - Toolbox - Creating Controls - Name Property - Command Button - Access Keys - Image Controls - Text Boxes - Labels - Message Boxes - Grid - Editing Tools - Variables - Data Types - String - Numbers.

Unit - II:

Displaying Information - Determinate Loops - Indeterminate Loops - Conditionals - Built-in Functions - Functions and Procedures. Unit - III: Lists - Arrays - Sorting and Searching - Records - Control Arrays - Combo Boxes - Grid Control - Projects with Multiple forms - Do Events and Sub Main - Error Trapping.

Unit - IV:

VB Objects - Dialog Boxes - Common Controls - Menus - MDI Forms - Testing, Debugging and Optimization - Working with Graphics. Unit - V: Monitoring Mouse activity - File Handling - File System Controls - File System Objects - COM/OLE - automation - DLL Servers - OLE Drag and Drop.


Paper XI - Unix Programming


File and common commands - Shell - More about files - Directories- Unix system - Basics of file Directories and filenames - Permissions - modes - Directory hierarchy - Devices - the grep family - Other filters - the stream editor sed - the awk pattern scanning and processing language - files and good filters.


Command line structure - Metacharacters - Creating new commands - Command arguments and parameters - program output as arguments - Shell variables - More on I/O redirection - loop in shell programs - Bundle - Setting shell attributes, Shift command line parameters - Exiting a command or the shell, evaluating arguments - Executing command without invoking a new process - Trapping exit codes -- Conditional expressions.


Customizing the cal command, Functions of command, While and Until loops - Traps - Catching interrupts - Replacing a file - Overwrite - Zap - Pick command - News command - Get and Put tracking file changes.


Standard input and output - Program arguments - file access - A screen at a time printer - On bugs and debugging - Examples - Zap - pick - Interactive file comparison program - Accessing the environment - Unix system calls - Low level I/O, File system Directories and modes, Processors, Signal and Interrupts.


Program development - Four function calculator - Variables and error recovery - Arbitrary variable names, Built in functions, Compilation into a machine, Control flow and relational operators, Functions and procedures - Performance evaluation - Ms macro package - Troff level - Tbl and eqn preprocessors - Manual page - Other document preparation.






Any RDBMS package create database and performing the operations given below using a Menu Driven program: Insertion, (b) Deletion, (c)Modification, (d)Generating a reports (Simple) for the Following Systems:

1. Payroll
2. Mark sheet Processing
3. Savings bank account for banking
4. Inventory System
5. Invoice system
6. Library information system
7. Student information system
8. Income tax processing system
9. Electricity bill preparation system
10. Telephone directory maintenance.


Practical VI - Unix and Shell Programming Lab





Students can refer the following book for further details. Charles Crowley - Operating Systems (A Design Oriented Approach) - TMH - 1998.

1. Prime Test.
2. Palindrome Test.
3. Fibonacci Series generation.
4. Armstrong No Test.
5. Solving Quadratic Equation.
6. Menu Driven Shell Script - Sort with various options.
7. User friendly change of modes (chmod).
8. Usage of case structures.
9. Process Scheduling.
Round Robin
10. Interprocess communications using message Queues & Pipes.
11. Using Pipes to calculate NCR.
12. Applications for functions, Procedures & Macros.



BSc Computer Science - Semester VI

Paper XII - Data Communication and Networking

Unit - I:

Introduction to Data Communication. Network, Protocols & standards and standards organizations - Line Configuration - Topology - Transmission mode - Classification of Network - OSI Model - Layers of OSI Model.

Unit - II:

Parallel and Serial Transmission - DTE/DCE/such as EIA-449, EIA-530, EIA-202 and x.21 interface - Interface standards - Modems - Guided Media - Unguided Media - Performance - Types of Error - Error Detection - Error Corrections.

Unit - III:

Multiplexing - Types of Multiplexing - Multiplexing Application - Telephone system - Project 802 - Ethernet Token Bus - Token Ring - FDDI - IEEE 802.6 - SMUS - Circuit Switching - Packet Switching - Message switching - Connection Oriented and Connectionless services.

Unit - IV:

History of Analog and Digital Network - Access to ISDN - ISDN Layers - Broadband ISDN - X.25 Layers - Packet Layer Protocol - ATM ATM Topology - ATM Protocol.

Unit - V:

Repeaters - Bridges - Routers - Gateway - Routing algorithms - TCP/IP Network, Transport and Application Layers of TCP/IP - World Wide Web.


Paper XIII - Software Engineering


Introduction to Software Engineering: Definitions - Size Factors - Quality and Productivity Factors - Managerial Issues - Planning a software project : Defining the problem - Developing a Solution Strategy - Planning the Development Process - Planning an Organization structure - Other Planning Activities.


Software Cost Estimation: Software cost factors - Software Cost Estimation Techniqes - Staffing-level Estimation - Estimating Software Maintenance Costs - The Software Requirements Specification - Formal Specification Techniques - Languages and Processors for Requirements Specification.


Software design: Fundamental Design Concepts - Modules and Modularization Criteria - Design Notations - Design Techniques - Detailed Design Considerations - Real-Time and Distributed System Design - Test Plans - Milestones, walkthroughs, and Inspections.


Implementation issues: Structured Coding Techniques - Coding Style - Standards and Guidelines - documentation guidelines -Type Checking - Scoping Rules - Concurrency Mechanisms.


Quality Assurance - Walkthroughs and Inspections - Static Analysis - Symbolic Execution - Unit Testing and Debugging - System Testing - Formal Verification: Enhancing Maintainability during Development - Managerial Aspects of Software Maintenance - Source Code Metrics - Other Maintenance Tools and Techniques


Paper XIV - Programming in Java

Unit - I:

Introduction to Java - Features of Java - Object Oriented Concepts - Lexical Issues - Data Types - Variables - Arrays - Operators - Control Statements.

Unit - II:

Classes - Objects - Constructors - Overloading method - Access Control - Static and fixed methods - Inner Classes - String Class - Inheritance - Overriding methods - Using super- Abstract class.

Unit - III:

Packages - Access Protection - Importing Packages - Interfaces - Exception Handling - Throw and Throws - Thread - Synchronization - Messaging - Runnable Interface - Inter thread Communication - Deadlock - Suspending, Resuming and stopping threads - Multithreading.

Unit - IV:

I/O Streams - File Streams - Applets - String Objects - String Buffer - Char Array - Java Utilities - Code Documentation.

Unit - V:

Networks basics - Socket Programming - Proxy Servers - TCP/IP Sockets - Net Address - URL - Datagrams - Working with windows using AWT Classes - AWT Controls - Layout Managers and Menus.


Paper XV - Web Technology

Unit - I:

Internet Basic - Introduction to HTML - List - Creating Table - Linking document - Frames - Graphics to HTML Doc - Style sheet - Style sheet basic - Add style to document - Creating Style sheet rules - Style sheet properties - Font - Text - List - Color and background color - Box - Display properties.

Unit - II:

introduction to Javascript - Advantage of Javascript - Javascript Syntax - Datatype - Van able - Array - Operator and Expression - Looping Constructor - Function - Dialog box.

Unit - III:

Javascript document object model - Introduction - Object in HTMl - Event Handling - Window Object - Document object - Browser Object - Form Object - Navigator object - Screen object - Build in Object - User defined object - Cookies.

Unit - IV:

ASP. NET Language Structure - Page Structure - Page event, Properties &Compiler Directives. HTML server controls - Anchor, Tables, Forms, Files. Basic Web server Controls - Lable, Textbox, Button, Image, Links, Check & Radio button, Hyperlink. Data List Web Server Controls - Check box list, Radio button list, Drop down list, List box, Data grid, Repeater.

Unit - V:

Request and Response Objects, Cookies, Working with Data - OLEDB connection class, command class, transaction class, data adaptor class, data set class. Advanced Issues - Email, Application Issues, Working with ITS and page Directives , Error handling. Security - Authentication, IP Address, Secure by SSL & Client Certificates.

BOOKS For Study and Reference:

1. I. Bayross, Web Enable Commercial Application Development Using HTML, DHTML, Javascript, Perl CGI, BPB Publications, 2000
2. J. Jaworski, Mastering Javascript, BPB Publications, 1999
3. T. A. Powell, Complete Reference HTML (Third Edition),TMH, 2002
4. G.Buczek, ASP.NET Developers Guide, TMH, 2002


Practical VI - Java Programming Lab

Semester VI - Practical VII - Java Programming Lab Application

Lecture Lab: 4
Duration: 2 hrs
Maximum Marks: 50
Credits: 2

1. Finding area and Perimeter of a circle. Use Buffered Reader class.
2. Substring Removal from a String. Use StringBuffer Class.
3. Determining the order of numbers generated randomly using Random Class.
4. Implementation of Point Class for Image manipulation.
5. Usage of Calender Class and manipulation.
6. String Manipulation using Char Array.
7. Database Creation for storing e-mail addresses and manipulation.
8. Usage of Vector Classes.
9. Implementing Thread based applications & Exception Handling.
10. Application using synchronization such as Thread based, Class based and synchronized statements.


11 Working with Frames and various controls.
12. Working with Dialogs and Menus.
13. Working with Panel and Layout.
14. Incorporating Graphics.
15. Working with Colors and Fonts.


Practical VII - Web Application Lab

Semester VI - Practical VIII - Web Application Lab

Lecture Lab: 4
Duration: 2 hrs
Maximum Marks: 50

1. Create a simple page introducing yourself, how old you are, what you do, what you like and dislike. Modify the introduction to include a bullet list of what you do and put list the 5 things you like most and dislike as numbered lists. Create another page about your favourite hobby, and link it to (and from) your main page. Center something, and put a quote on one of your pages.

2. Put an existing image on a web page. Create a table, use a heading and at least one use of row span/col span. Colour a page and some text within the page. Link to another site.

3. Create a new file called index.html.
Put the normal HTML document structure tags in the file. Give it a title.
At the bottom of the page (i.e. the last thing between the body tags) put the following:
A horizontal rule.
A link to your email address (with your name between the tag); remember to put the link to your email address within address tags.
A line break.The date. (I have this same structure at the bottom of this page).
Above this block (which is called the footer), put a title in heading tags.
Add some text describing yourself (you can split this into multiple headings and paragraphs if you wish.

4. Write a script to create an array of 10 elements and display its contents.

5. Write a function in Javascript that takes a string and looks at it character by character.

6. Create a simple calculator using form fields. Have two fields for number entry & one field for the result. Allow the user to be able to use plus, minus, multiply & divide.

7. Create a document and add a link to it. When the user moves the mouse over the link, it should load the linked document on it s own. (User is not required to click on the link).

8. Create a document, which opens a new window without a toolbar, address bar, or a status bar that unloads itself after one minute.

9. Create a document that accepts the user's name in a text field form and displays the same the next time when the user visits the site informing him that he has accessed the site for the second time, and so on.

10. Create a Web form for an online library. This form must be able to accept the Membership Id of the person borrowing a book, the name and ID of the book, and the name of the book's author. On submitting the form, the user (the person borrowing the book) must be thanked and informed of the date when the book is to be returned. You can enhance the look of the page by using various ASP.NET controls.

11. Display an advertisement at the bottom of the Web form that you created in question 10.

12. Create an array containing the titles of five new movies. Use this array as a data source for a drop down list control. The page must be capable of displaying the selected movie title to the user when the user clicks on the submit button.

13. Create a virtual directory in IIS. Create a global.asax file and include the "Session_Start" and "Session_End" and, "Application_BeginRequest" and "Application_EndRequest" events. Write a simple ASP.NET page and execute it in the browser. What is the output that you get?





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