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GO UNIVERSITY  Ghana/Global 2016/17/18/1

BSc Geography & Geology Degree Course  3 Years






Physical Geography is the integrative science that deals with processes and patterns in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere, and the interaction of humans and their environment. Geology investigates the dynamics of the earth, from its origins over 4.5 billion years ago to the processes that define how we live today. The two disciplines together have an important role in understanding how humans can deal with environmental change in the future.

Delivered jointly by the School of Geography and School of Earth and Environment, this degree combines the study of physical geography and the earth sciences. You’ll tackle diverse questions, from how the climate is likely to change in the future to the impact of building housing estates in river catchments. At the same time, you’ll study the origins of rocks and minerals, the evolution of life on earth, volcanism, geological mapping and the use of geological natural resources.

Course Content

Each year of this programme is designed around a combination of compulsory core modules, as well as opportunities to take optional modules and/or discovery modules so you can choose additional subjects of interest. The balance of compulsory to core modules depends on the year and programme of study and is explained fully in the programme catalogue. If you study this programme part-time you’ll study fewer modules in each year.


In Year 3, you can choose to follow one of three "pathways" which allow you to focus on specific areas of geography and geology that suit your own interests and career plans. You’ll be able to sample a range of modules before deciding on which pathway to take. Advice on which pathway you should take will be provided by your tutor throughout years 1 and 2 of your studies.

Geography leaning pathway: you specialise in geography in Year 3 and carry out your independent research project in the subject, under the supervision of a geography tutor.

Geology leaning athway: you take more specialized modules in geology and carry out an independent geological mapping project between years 2 and 3 under the supervision of a geology tutor.


Course Structure

Year 1

You will study the following compulsory modules:

  • Data analysis and physical geography tutorials 20 credits

  • Studying in a digital age 5 credits

  • Geology 1 30 credits

  • Geology 2 30 credits

Optional modules

Optional modules include:

  • Dynamic Landscapes 20 credits

  • Living Planet 20 credits

  • Environmental Change: Past and Future 20 credits

  • Nature, Society and Environment 20 credits

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  • Year 2

  • Compulsory modules

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  • You will study the following compulsory modules:

  • Research project and statistical skills in physical geography 10 credits

  • Sedimentary Processes 10 credits

  • Study Skills and Advanced Mapwork 10 credits

  • Fieldwork for Geography/Geology 10 credits

  • Palaeoecology, Palaeobiology and Evolution 10 credits

  • Optional modules

  • You choose from the following optional modules. You must take one of the field trip modules and other restrictions apply.

  • The dynamic environment of the European Alps 10 credits

  • The Dynamic Environment of Mallorca 10 credits

  • The dynamic environment of the Western Algarve 10 credits

  • Living within limits: natural resource management for sustainable development 20 credits

  • Earth Surface Processes 20 credits

  • Ecosystems: process, pattern, and change 20 credits

  • Climate Systems 20 credits

  • Intermediate Mathematics for Environmental and Geophysical Scientists 10 credits

  • Advanced Mathematics for Environmental and Geophysical Scientists 10 credits

  • Chemistry of the Earth 10 credits

  • Deformation Processes 10 credits

  • Introductory Oceanography 10 credits

  • Contaminated Land Studies: Integrating Business Skills and Science in Consultancy 10 credits

  • Mineralogy and Petrology 20 credits

  • Sedimentary Basins and Hydrocarbon Resources 10 credits

  • Explosive Volcanism: Processes, deposits and resources 10 credits

  • Fundamentals of Geophysics 10 credits

  • Introduction to Geophysics 10 credits

  • GIS for Geoscientists 10 credits

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  • Year 3

  • Optional modules

  • You choose from the following optional modules. Some of your choices will depend on your chosen pathway.

  • Dissertation 40 credits

  • New Zealand Field Trip 20 credits

  • Water Science & Management 20 credits

  • Creating Alternative Futures 20 credits

  • Management of Wilderness and Global Ecosystems 20 credits

  • Environment, Conflict and Policy 20 credits

  • Workplace Co-operative Project 20 credits

  • Geographers into Teaching: School Placements 20 credits

  • The Cryosphere 20 credits

  • Tropical forests and sustainable development 20 credits

  • Hydrological Monitoring and Modelling 20 credits

  • Research Placement 20 credits

  • Biogeochemical Cycles: Process to Policy 20 credits

  • Timescales of Global Change 20 credits

  • Contaminated Land Studies: Integrating Business Skills and Science in Consultancy 10 credits

  • Easter Field Class (Geological Science) 10 credits

  • Advanced Sedimentology and its Applications 10 credits

  • Independent Field Projects (GS) 40 credits

  • Advances in Palaeontology 10 credits

  • Earth System Science: Biogeochemical Cycles 10 credits

  • Engineering Geology 10 credits

  • Volcanic Processes 10 credits

  • Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology 10 credits

  • Plate Tectonics and Geodynamics 10 credits

  • Basin Dynamics and Petroleum Systems 10 credits

  • Field Class: Petroleum Reservoir Architectures 10 credits

  • Environmental Geology in Northern Ireland 10 credits

  • Show more

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  • Learning and teaching

  • You’ll be taught through lectures, tutorials, workshops and practical classes. You’ll enjoy extensive tutorial support and have freedom in your workload and options.

  • Read more about teaching and assessment on the School website.

  • Assessment

  • You’re assessed by a range of methods, including formal exams and in-course assessment.

  • Read more about teaching and assessment on the School website.


  • For more information on typical modules, read Actuarial Mathematics BSc in programme catalogue after enrollment

BSc Geography & Geology

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Prof. Dr. DANIEL    PhD
Assoc. Prof. JOHN DOGBE 
BA, MA, PhD candi.
BSc. MSc. PhD candi.

 March 2016



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